
Padrino Weekly, Issue 2: Simple apps, Website now Open Source

Welcome back to Padrino weekly. This week is certainly dominated by football, but I hope we’ll get over it. I’ll keep this short so you can go back to watching whichever game you’re watching.

Simple Apps are a collection of very simple apps, each one demonstrating a feature or a set of features. They are a great stop if you’re interested in learning Padrino or seeing a sample implementation of a feature. They can also be used as a starting point to tinker around with a feature. Currently all apps still need Padrino edge, so be a little careful when trying to port parts to your own apps.

The Padrino Website was pushed to Github. Well, it’s been there for a while but now we made it public. The website certainly uses Padrino and serves as an example of a more elaborate project, going far beyond of what a tutorial, guide or sample app could do. Feel free to check it out, try and break it – and if you find any bugs, we’d like to hear about them.


Please report any issues you encounter with this release! We are working very actively on Padrino and want to make the framework as stable and reliable as possible. That concludes the changelog for this release. As always if you want to keep up with Padrino updates, be sure to follow us on twitter: @padrinorb, join us on IRC at “#padrino” on freenode, open an issue, or discuss on gitter.

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