
Padrino User Resources and Screencasts

There has been a lot of interest recently in additional Padrino resources such as more screencasts, advanced tutorials, user-editable wikis, etc. I think the team understands and values the interest in more resources because this means lots of people with varying levels of experience with web development are looking to become familiar with Padrino.

Right now the team is very busy working on bug fixes and towards a 1.0 release. There have been bug reports trickling in on Padrino and we have been working to address them in a timely fashion. It is very important that for a 1.0 release that Padrino is rock-solid and easy to use for every experience level. There are a few thoughts I have about this topic of more Padrino resources.

First, I would love to hear more of all your thoughts about this subject. Email us, leave comments, send us Github messages about what you would like to see while learning Padrino. This is really important in trying to understand the next steps to improving the Padrino experience.

Second, the desire for more screencasts is noted. One interesting screencast the Padrino team would love to see is a Padrino peepcode video that builds on the basics taught in the Sinatra screencast. There is a feedback forum for Peepcode here: Peepcode Padrino Screencast . If you are interested in a high quality video going in-depth about the various aspects of Padrino, let Peepcode know. We would be very excited to see this come to fruition.

Third, we welcome contributors. If you want to improve documentation, add tutorials or pages to our website documentation, add padrino guides, or anything else to improve the state of Padrino, please let us know! We are happy to talk with you and work with you to make Padrino an easier to use web development framework.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate the support given by the Padrino community.


Please report any issues you encounter with this release! We are working very actively on Padrino and want to make the framework as stable and reliable as possible. That concludes the changelog for this release. As always if you want to keep up with Padrino updates, be sure to follow us on twitter: @padrinorb, join us on IRC at “#padrino” on freenode, open an issue, or discuss on gitter.

Padrino 0.9.18 fixes!

Padrino 0.9.18 provides some additional fixes from both the team and the community as well as an update to the latest http_router. thanks guys!

  • Updated to use latest http_router
  • Fix undefined method crypted_password when using Postgresql + Sequel [Thanks to Commuter]
  • Preserve params for after use by a before filter
  • Fix const scope for Rack::Mime [Thanks to spllr]


Please report any issues you encounter with this release! We are working very actively on Padrino and want to make the framework as stable and reliable as possible. That concludes the changelog for this release. As always if you want to keep up with Padrino updates, be sure to follow us on twitter: @padrinorb, join us on IRC at “#padrino” on freenode, open an issue, or discuss on gitter.

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