Code TV - Padrino Code School
We noticed envylabs has released an excellent screencast recently on Padrino. We recommend checking this out and letting them know you appreciate their hard work. Thanks to Josh Cheek and everyone at Envylabs for taking them to put this together.
Also, we have recently reached 1000+ followers on our Padrino repository. Glad to see more and more people taking an interest in our development cycles. We hope to release a new version soon!
In the meantime, we are hard at work on making Padrino better. Our framework has come a long way since we first put together these complementary modules for Sinatra. Great to see more and more people using Padrino in exciting ways! Hope everyone has a happy holiday! Look forward to seeing how Padrino continues to develop into the new year.
As always if you want to keep up with Padrino updates, be sure to follow us on twitter: @padrinorb, join us on IRC at “#padrinorb” on freenode or open an issue on GitHub.