
Padrino Welcomes New Core Contributors!

The Padrino team is excited to welcome aboard three new core members to help us make Padrino even better towards a 1.0 release!

These three members bring a great deal of experience and talent to our group and will definitely push forward the power of Padrino in the next upcoming versions.

The three new core members are Florian Gilcher, Joshua Hull and Lori Holden and they will all start right away contributing towards Padrino.

Read the full post to learn more about our new members and how they plan to help improve Padrino.

Florian Gilcher (skade)

is a great Sinatra coder that helps make Padrino work best in standalone/sinatra scenarios. He is a long term Ruby programmer and runs the largest german (Ruby community/board).

Joshua Hull (joshbuddy)

is the author of the Usher routing library which Padrino relies on quite heavily to support our advanced routing functionality. Our team has been working closely with him to improve both Usher and Padrino’s routing capabilities. Josh is responsible for padrino routing functionality and will enhance our speed and decrease memory usage.

Lori Holden (lholden)

An Open Source proponent since ‘93 with a passion for software development. Previously part of the Merb team, her support will help us throughout with code optimizations, test coverage improvements and new features on Padrino.

Our team is excited to have these new members aboard and to see what they will help us accomplish for the future capabilities and functionalities of the Padrino framework. Stay tuned for our next version, 0.9.11, which will have many improvements, bug fixes, and more!


Please report any issues you encounter with this release! We are working very actively on Padrino and want to make the framework as stable and reliable as possible. That concludes the changelog for this release. As always if you want to keep up with Padrino updates, be sure to follow us on twitter: @padrinorb, join us on IRC at “#padrino” on freenode, open an issue, or discuss on gitter.

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