


The usage for the project generator is quite simple:

$ padrino g project <app_name> </path/to/create/app> --<component-name> <value>

The simplest possible command to generate a base application would be:

$ padrino g project demo_project

This would construct a Padrino application DemoProject (which extends from Padrino::Application) inside the folder demo_project at our current path. Inside the application there would be configuration and setup performed for the default components.

You can also define specific components to be used:

$ padrino g project demo_project -t rspec -e haml -m rr -s jquery -d datamapper -c sass

You can also instruct the generator to skip a certain component to avoid using one at all (or to use your own):

$ padrino g project demo_project --test none --renderer none

You can also specify an alternate name for your core application using the --app option:

$ padrino g project demo_project --app alternate_app_name # alias -n

The generator uses the bundler gem to resolve any application dependencies when the application is newly created. The necessary bundler command can be executed automatically through the generator with:

$ padrino g project demo_project --run_bundler # alias -b

This can also be done manually by executing the command bundle install in the terminal at the root of the generated application.

For more examples of using the project generator in common cases, check out the Basic Projects guide.

The generator framework within Padrino is extensible and additional components and tools can be added easily. This would be achieved through forking our project and reading through the code in lib/generators/project.rb and the setup instructions inside the relevant files within lib/generators/components/. We are happy to accept pull requests for additional component types not originally included (although helping us maintain them would also be appreciated).


The project generator has several available configuration options:

Options Default Aliases Description
bundle false -b execute bundler dependencies installation
root . -r the root destination path for the project
dev false none use edge version from local git checkout
app nil -n specify app name different from the project name
tiny false -i generate tiny project skeleton
adapter sqlite -a specify orm db adapter (mysql, sqlite, postgres)
--migration_format number format for migrations (number, timestamp)

The available components and their default options are listed below:

Component Default Aliases Options
orm none -d mongoid, activerecord, datamapper, couchrest, mongomatic, ohm, ripple, sequel, dynamoid
test none -t bacon, shoulda, cucumber, testunit, rspec, minitest
script none -s prototype, jquery, mootools, extcore, dojo
renderer none -e erb, haml, slim, liquid
stylesheet none -c sass, less, scss, compass
mock none -m rr, mocha

Note: Be careful with your naming when using generators and do not have your project name, or any models or controllers overlap. Avoid naming your app "Posts" and then your controller or subapp with the same name.


Generate a project with a different application name from the project path

$ padrino g my_project -n blog

This will generate the project at path my_project/ but the applications name will be Blog.

Generate a project with mongoid and run bundler after

$ padrino g project your_project -d mongoid -b

Generate a project with shoulda test and rr mocking

$ padrino g project your_project -t shoulda -m rr

Generate a project with sequel with mysql

$ padrino g project your_project -d sequel -a mysql

Generate a tiny project skeleton

$ padrino g project your_project --tiny

Choose a root for your project

$ padrino g project your_project -r /usr/local/padrino

This will create a new padrino project in /usr/local/padrino/your_project/

Use Padrino from a git cloned repository

padrino g project your_project [--dev] # Use padrino from a git checkout

Visit The Bleeding Edge for more info how to setup a dev environment.

last updated: 2022-02-22

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