Adding Components
JavaScript Engine
Contributing an additional JavaScript library to Padrino is actually quite
straightforward. For this guide, let's assume we want to add extcore
as a
JavaScript component integrated into Padrino.
First, let's define the actual integration of the javascript into the generator in padrino-gen/generators/components/scripts/extcore.rb:
# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/components/scripts/extcore.rb
def setup_script
get('', destination_root("/public/javascripts/ext.js"))
copy_file('templates/static/js/ext.js', destination_root("/public/javascripts/ext.js"))
create_file(destination_root('/public/javascripts/application.js'), "// Put your application scripts here")
This will copy the script into the public/javascripts
folder of a newly
generated project and construct the application.js
file. Next, let's copy the
latest version of the javascript library to the templates folder:
// padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/templates/scripts/ext-core.js
// ...truncated javascript library code here...
Let's also add a test to ensure the new JavaScript component generates as expected in padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb:
# padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb
it 'should properly generate for ext-core' do
out, err = capture_io { generate(:project, 'sample_project', "--root=#{@apptmp}", '--script=extcore') }
assert_match(/applying.*?extcore.*?script/, out)
Finally, let's update the README for padrino-gen
to reflect the new component
# padrino-gen/README.rdoc
script:: none (default), jquery, prototype, mootools, extcore, dojo
Unobtrusive JavaScript Adapter
Although optional, you can also provide a unobtrusive JavaScript (UJS) adapter which provides 'remote' and 'method' support to a project using a particular JavaScript framework. For more information about UJS, check out the UJS Helpers guide.
To support UJS in a given JavaScript framework, simply create a new file such as 'jquery-ujs' in your padrino-static fork and then follow the UJS adapter template used by the existing implementation.
// ujs/jquery-ujs.js
/* Remote Form Support
* form_for @user, '/user', :remote => true
$("form[data-remote=true]").live('submit', function(e) {
// ...
/* Confirmation Support
* link_to 'sign out', '/logout', :confirm => "Log out?"
* Link Remote Support
* link_to 'add item', '/create', :remote => true
* Link Method Support
* link_to 'delete item', '/destroy', :method => :delete
/* JSAdapter */
var JSAdapter = {
// Sends an xhr request to the specified url with given verb and params
// JSAdapter.sendRequest(element, { verb: 'put', url : '...', params: {} });
sendRequest : function(element, options) {
// ...
// Triggers a particular method verb to be triggered in a form posting to the url
// JSAdapter.sendMethod(element);
sendMethod : function(element) {
// ...
Generally the only changes need to be made in the JSAdapter
JavaScript module
specifically to implement the sendRequest
and sendMethod
functions that are
used by all the events to power the UJS functionality.
Once that unobtrusive adapter has been implemented, you can finish by adding the UJS file to the generator in Padrino:
# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/components/scripts/extcore.rb
def setup_script
get('', destination_root("/public/javascripts/ext-ujs.js"))
copy_file('templates/static/ujs/ext.js', destination_root("/public/javascripts/ext-ujs.js"))
create_file(destination_root('/public/javascripts/application.js'), "// Put your application scripts here")
and update the tests:
# padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb
describe "the generator for script component" do
it 'should properly generate for jquery' do
out, err = capture_io { generate(:project, 'sample_project', "--root=#{@apptmp}", '--script=jquery') }
assert_match(/applying.*?jquery.*?script/, out)
Contribute to Padrino
This completes the full integration of a JavaScript library into Padrino. Once all of this has been finished in your GitHub fork, send us a pull request and assuming you followed these instructions properly and the library actually works when generated, we will include the component into the next Padrino version crediting you for the contribution!
An example of the
actual commit
of the extcore
JavaScript library is a great example of how to contribute to
last updated: 2022-02-22
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