Adding Components
Mocking Library
Contributing an additional mocking library to Padrino is actually quite straightforward. For this guide, let's assume we want to add Mocha as a mocking component integrated into Padrino.
First, let's define the actual integration of the mocking library into the generator in padrino-gen/generators/components/mocks/mocha.rb:
# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/components/mocks/mocha.rb
def setup_mock
require_dependencies 'mocha', :group => 'test', :require => false
case options[:test].to_s
when 'rspec'
inject_into_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', " conf.mock_with :mocha\n", :after => "RSpec.configure do |conf|\n"
inject_into_file 'test/test_config.rb', "require 'mocha/api'\n", :after => "require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + \"/../config/boot\")\n"
insert_mocking_include "Mocha::API"
Let's also add a test to ensure the new mocking component generates as expected in padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb:
# padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb
it 'should properly generate for mocha and rspec' do
out, err = capture_io { generate(:project, 'sample_project', "--root=#{@apptmp}",'--test=rspec', '--mock=mocha', '--script=none') }
assert_match(/applying.*?mocha.*?mock/, out)
assert_match_in_file(/gem 'mocha'/, "#{@apptmp}/sample_project/Gemfile")
assert_match_in_file(/conf.mock_with :mocha/m, "#{@apptmp}/sample_project/spec/spec_helper.rb")
Finally, let's update the README for padrino-gen
to reflect the new component
# padrino-gen/README.rdoc
mock:: none (default), mocha, rr
Contribute to Padrino
This completes the full integration of a mocking library into Padrino. Once all of this has been finished in your GitHub fork, send us a pull request and assuming you followed these instructions properly and the library actually works when generated, we will include the component into the next Padrino version crediting you for the contribution!
last updated: 2022-02-22
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