
Adding Components

Persistence Engine

Contributing an object persistence library is probably the most involved component to integrate with Padrino. For this guide, let us pretend that we would like to integrate Datamapper into Padrino.


First, let's add Datamapper to the project generator's available components in padrino-gen/generators/project.rb:

# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/project.rb
component_option :orm, "database engine", :choices => [:activerecord, :datamapper]

Here, we needed to append :datamapper as an option for the :orm component_option in the project generator. Once we have defined Datamapper as an option for the ORM component, let's actually define the specific integration tasks for the generator in padrino-gen/generators/components/orms/datamapper.rb:

# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/generators/components/orms/datamapper.rb

# These are the steps to setup the persistence layer in the initial project such
# as requiring certain gems, constructing the database.rb configuration file and
# creating the models folder for the application
def setup_orm
  require_dependencies 'data_objects', 'do_sqlite3', 'datamapper'
  create_file("config/database.rb", DM)

# These are the steps to generate the actual model file
# when the model generator is executed.
# e.g. create_model_file("account", ["username:string", "password:string"])
def create_model_file(name, fields)
  # ...truncated...
  create_file(model_path, model_contents)

# These are the steps to generate the model migration file
# when the model generator is executed.
# e.g. create_model_migration("create_accounts", "account", ["username:string"])
def create_model_migration(migration_name, name, columns)
  # ...truncated...

# These are the steps to generate the db migration file
# when the migration generator is executed.
# e.g. create_migration_file("AddEmailToAccount", "AddEmailToAccount", ["email:string"])
def create_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns)
  # ...truncated...

Rake Tasks

Next, if the persistence engine needs to include useful rake tasks (to migrate or modify the database for instance), you can add these to the padrino-tasks folder in the padrino-gen gem. For Datamapper, there are a number of tasks that should be available in padrino-tasks/datamapper.rb:

# padrino-gen/lib/padrino-gen/padrino-tasks/datamapper.rb

if defined?(DataMapper)
  namespace :dm do
    namespace :migrate do
      task :load => :environment do
        # ...truncated...

      desc "Migrate up using migrations"
      task :up, :version, :needs => :load do |t, args|
        # ...truncated...

Unit Tests

Next, let's add the appropriate unit tests to ensure our new component works as intended in padrino-gen/test/testprojectgenerator.rb:

# padrino-gen/test/test_project_generator.rb
it 'should properly generate default' do
  out, err = capture_io { generate(:project, '', "--root=#{@apptmp}", '--orm=datamapper', '--script=none') }
  assert_match(/applying.*?datamapper.*?orm/, out)
  assert_match_in_file(/gem 'dm-core'/, "#{@apptmp}/")
  assert_match_in_file(/gem 'dm-sqlite-adapter'/, "#{@apptmp}/")
  assert_match_in_file(/DataMapper.setup/, "#{@apptmp}/")
  assert_match_in_file(/project_com/, "#{@apptmp}/")


Finally for the generator integration, we should add the available option to the generator README file:

# padrino-gen/README.rdoc

orm:: none  (default), mongomapper, mongoid, activerecord, sequel, couchrest, datamapper

With that update to the README, persistence support for the generator is complete. However, to be fully compliant, support for Padrino Admin should also be added. This will allow the admin dashboard to work properly with your persistence engine of choice and is highly recommended.

Padrino Admin Support

Adding padrino-admin support for your persistence engine is actually fairly straightforward. First, let's add Datamapper to the set of supported admin ORM engines in padrino-admin/generators/actions.rb:

# padrino-admin/lib/padrino-admin/generators/actions.rb

def supported_orm
  [:activerecord, :mongomapper, :mongoid, :couchrest, :datamapper]

Next, we need to define the interaction methods available by our persistence engine on our models in padrino-admin/generators/orm.rb:

# padrino-admin/lib/padrino-admin/generators/orm.rb

module Padrino
  module Admin
    module Generators
      class OrmError < StandardError; end
      class Orm
        attr_reader :klass_name, :klass, :name_plural, :name_singular, :orm

        def initialize(name, orm, columns=nil, column_fields=nil)
          # ...truncated...

        # Defines access to a model's columns
        def columns
          @columns ||= case orm
            when :activerecord then @klass.columns
            when :datamapper   then
            else raise OrmError, "Adapter #{orm} is not yet supported!"

        # Defines access to retrieving all existing records for a model.
        def all

        # Defines access for querying records for a model.
        def find(params=nil)
          case orm
            when :activerecord then "#{klass_name}.find(#{params})"
            when :datamapper   then "#{klass_name}.get(#{params})"
            else raise OrmError, "Adapter #{orm} is not yet supported!"

        # Defines how to build a new record for a model.
        def build(params=nil)
          if params

        # Defines how to save a new record for a model.
        def save

        # Defines how to update attributes of a record for a model.
        def update_attributes(params=nil)
          case orm
            when :activerecord then "#{name_singular}.update_attributes(#{params})"
            when :datamapper then "#{name_singular}.update(#{params})"
            else raise OrmError, "Adapter #{orm} is not yet supported!"

        # Defines how to destroy a record for a model.
        def destroy
      end # Orm
    end # Generators
  end # Admin
end # Padrino

Next, we need to describe how the Account model should be defined for our persistence engine within padrino-admin/generators/templates/account/

# padrino-admin/lib/padrino-admin/generators/templates/account/

class Account
  include DataMapper::Resource
  include DataMapper::Validate
  attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation

  # Define Properties
  property :id,               Serial
  property :name,             String
  # ...truncated...

  # Define Validations
  validates_present      :email, :role
  # ...truncated...

  # Callbacks
  before :save, :generate_password

  # This method is for authentication purpose
  def self.authenticate(email, password)
    account = first(:conditions => { :email => email }) if email.present?
    account && account.password_clean == password ? account : nil

  # This method is used from AuthenticationHelper
  def self.find_by_id(id)
    get(id) rescue nil

  # This method is used for retrieve the original password.
  def password_clean

    def generate_password
      return if password.blank?
      self.salt = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{}--#{email}--") if new?
      self.crypted_password = password.encrypt(self.salt)

    def password_required
      crypted_password.blank? || !password.blank?

Finally, let's update the padrino-admin README file at padrino-admin/README.rdoc to reflect our newly support component:

# padrino-admin/README.rdoc

Orm Agnostic:: Data Adapters for Datamapper, Activerecord, Mongomapper, Mongoid, Couchrest, Dynamoid

Contribute to Padrino

This completes the full integration of a persistence engine into Padrino. Once all of this has been finished in your GitHub fork, send us a pull request and assuming you followed these instructions properly and the engine actually works when generated, we will include the component into the next Padrino version crediting you for the contribution!

last updated: 2022-02-22

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