

Development Commands

Padrino also supports robust logging capabilities. By default, logging information will go to the STDOUT in development (for use in a console) and in an environment-specific log file log/development.log in test and production environments.

You can modify the logging behavior or disable logging altogether (more docs here):

# boot.rb
Padrino::Logger::Config[:development][:stream] = :to_file

To use the logger within a Padrino application, simply refer to the logger method accessible within your app and any controller or views:

# controllers/example.rb
SimpleApp.controllers do
  get("/test") { "This is a test" }

The logger automatically supports severity through the use of, logger.warn, logger.error, et al.

For more information about the logger, check out our Logger RDoc.

Development Reloader

Padrino applications also have the enabled ability to automatically reload all changing application files without the need to restart the server. Through the use of a customized Rack middleware, all files on the 'load path' are monitored and reloaded whenever changes are applied.

This makes rapid development much easier and provides a better alternative to 'shotgun' or 'rerun' which require the application server to be restarted which makes requests take much longer to complete.

An application can explicitly enable / disable reloading through the use of options:

# app.rb
class SimpleApp < Padrino::Application
  disable :reload # reload is disabled in all environments
  enable  :reload # enabled in all environments

Gemfile Dependency Resolution

Padrino has native support for bundler and the Gemfile system. If your Padrino application was generated with padrino g, a Gemfile has already been created for your application. This file will contain a list of all the dependencies for our application.

# Gemfile
source ''
gem 'rake'
gem 'padrino', '0.14.3'

This manifest file uses the standard bundler gem syntax of which details can be found in the Bundler Website.

This gem allows us to place all our dependencies into a single file. Padrino will then automatically require all necessary files (if they exist on the system).

If the dependencies are not on the system, you can automatically vendor all necessary gems using the bundle install --path ./vendor command within the application root or (only with bundler 1.0) run bundle install to install system wide. Note that this is all possible without any further effort than adding the Gemfile (or having this generated automatically with generators explained later).

Auto Load Paths

Padrino also intelligently supports requiring useful files within your application automatically and provides functionality for easily splitting up your application into separate files. Padrino automatically requires config/database.rb as a convention for establishing database connection. Also, any files within the lib folder will be required automatically by Padrino.

This is powered by the fact that Padrino will automatically load (and reload) any directory patterns within the 'prerequisite paths'. Additional directory patterns can be added to the set of reloaded files as needed by simply appending to the prerequisites within your application:

# config/boot.rb
Padrino.after_load do
  SimpleApp.prerequisites << Padrino.root('my_app', 'custom_model.rb')
  SimpleApp.prerequisites << Padrino.root('custom_folder/*.rb')

This will instruct Padrino to autoload these files (and reload them when changes are detected). By default, the load path contains certain paths known to contain important files such as controllers, mailers, models, urls, and helpers.

Terminal Commands

Padrino also comes equipped with multiple useful terminal commands which can be activated to perform common tasks such as starting / stopping the application, executing the unit tests or activating an irb session.

The following commands are available:

# starts the app server (non-daemonized)
$ padrino start
# starts the app server (daemonized) with given port, environment and adapter
$ padrino start -d -p 3000 -e development -a thin

# Stops a daemonized app server
$ padrino stop

# Bootup the Padrino console (irb)
$ padrino console

# Run/List tasks
$ padrino rake -T

# Run piece of code in the context of Padrino (with given environment)
$ padrino runner 'puts Padrino.env' -e development

# Run Ruby file in the context of Padrino
$ padrino r script/my_script.rb

The last command "padrino rake" look for rake files in:

  • lib/tasks/**/*.rake
  • tasks/**/*.rake
  • test/test.rake
  • spec/spec.rake

In this way you can customize project tasks.

Using these commands can simplify common tasks making development that much smoother.

Special Folders

Padrino load these paths:

# special folders

This mean that you are free to store for example models where you prefer, if you have two or more apps with same models you can use project/shared/models or root/models.

If you have only one app you still use project/app/models(this is the default padrino g choice)

last updated: 2022-02-22