Rake Tasks
After generating a new padrino project, you will not find any Rakefile in your generated project folder structure; in fact it's not strictly needed to build a new one because we can already use padrino rake:
# for a list of tasks
$ padrino rake -T
If you need custom tasks you can add those to:
Padrino will look recursively for any *.rake
file in any of these directories.
Padrino by default has some useful tasks.
Like other frameworks we have an :environment
task that loads our
and apps
. Example:
# This is a custom task
# task/version.rake
task :version => :environment do
puts Padrino.version
We have support for retrieving a list of named routes within your application for easy access.
$ padrino rake routes
which will return all the named routes for your project:
Application: SampleBlogUpdated::Admin
(:sessions, :new) GET /admin/sessions/new
(:sessions, :create) POST /admin/sessions/create
(:sessions, :destroy) DELETE /admin/sessions/destroy
(:base, :index) GET /admin/
(:accounts, :index) GET /admin/accounts
(:accounts, :new) GET /admin/accounts/new
(:accounts, :create) POST /admin/accounts/create
(:accounts, :edit) GET /admin/accounts/edit/:id
(:accounts, :update) PUT /admin/accounts/update/:id
(:accounts, :destroy) DELETE /admin/accounts/destroy/:id
(:accounts, :destroy_many) DELETE /admin/accounts/destroy_many
(:posts, :index) GET /admin/posts
(:posts, :new) GET /admin/posts/new
(:posts, :create) POST /admin/posts/create
(:posts, :edit) GET /admin/posts/edit/:id
(:posts, :update) PUT /admin/posts/update/:id
(:posts, :destroy) DELETE /admin/posts/destroy/:id
(:posts, :destroy_many) DELETE /admin/posts/destroy_many
Application: SampleBlogUpdated::App
(:about) GET /about_us
(:posts, :index) GET /posts(.:format)?
(:posts, :show) GET /posts/show/:id
When testing with Padrino you have a built-in padrino rake test
or for rspec
padrino rake spec
$ padrino rake test # => for bacon, shoulda
$ padrino rake spec # => for rspec
you can customize test/test.rake
or spec/spec.rake
You can auto generate a yml file for localizing your models using this command:
$ padrino rake locale:models
See Localization for detailed instructions.
Padrino has rake tasks for DataMapper , ActiveRecord, Sequel, Mongomapper,and Mongoid with some bonuses.
NOTE: we have a namespace for each orm, because of this, Padrino can
mount several applications and each of them can use different orms without
conflict, so that you can have multiple applications living together and one
of them can use DataMapper, while another
instead. In this way we prevent
ActiveRecord Tasks
rake ar:abort_if_pending_migrations # Raises an error if there are pending migrations.
rake ar:auto:upgrade # Uses schema.rb to auto-upgrade.
rake ar:charset # Retrieves database charset.
rake ar:collation # Retrieves databsae collation.
rake ar:create # Creates the database as defined in config/database.yml
rake ar:create:all # Creates local databases as defined in config/database.yml
rake ar:drop # Drops the database for the current Padrino.env
rake ar:drop:all # Drops local databases defined in config/database.yml
rake ar:forward # Pushes the schema to the next version.
rake ar:migrate # Migrates the database through scripts in db/migrate.
rake ar:migrate:down # Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION.
rake ar:migrate:redo # Rollbacks current migration and migrates up to version
rake ar:migrate:reset # Resets your database using your migrations.
rake ar:migrate:up # Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION NUMBER
rake ar:reset # Drops and recreates the database using db/schema.rb.
rake ar:rollback # Rolls back the schema to previous schema version.
rake ar:schema:dump # Creates a portable db/schema.rb file.
rake ar:schema:load # Loads a schema.rb file into the database.
rake ar:schema:to_migration # Creates a migration from schema.rb
rake ar:schema:to_migration_with_reset # Creates a migration and resets the migrations log.
rake ar:setup # Creates the database, loads the schema, and seeds data.
rake ar:structure:dump # Dumps the database structure to a SQL file.
rake ar:version # Retrieves the current schema version number.
rake ar:auto:upgrade
This is some sort of super cool and useful task for people like me who don't love migrations (especially for small apps). It's a forked version of auto_migrations.
Basically, instead of writing migrations you can directly edit your
schema.rb and perform a non destructive migration with padrino rake
DataMapper Tasks
rake dm:auto:migrate # Performs an automigration (resets your db data)
rake dm:auto:upgrade # Performs a non destructive automigration
rake dm:create # Creates the database
rake dm:drop # Drops the database (postgres and mysql only)
rake dm:migrate # Migrates the database to the latest version
rake dm:migrate:down[version] # Migrates down using migrations
rake dm:migrate:up[version] # Migrates up using migrations
rake dm:reset # Drops the database, and migrates from scratch
rake dm:setup # Create the database migrate and initialize with the seed data
Sequel Tasks
rake sq:migrate:auto # Perform automigration (reset your db data)
rake sq:migrate:to[version] # Perform migration up/down to VERSION
rake sq:migrate:up # Perform migration up to latest migration available
rake sq:migrate:down # Perform migration down (erase all data)
rake sq:reset # Drops the database, and migrates from scratch
Mongomapper Tasks
rake mm:translate # Generates .yml files for I18n translations
Mongoid Tasks
rake mi:drop # Drops all the collections for the database for the current environment
rake mi:create_indexes # Create the indexes defined on your mongoid models
rake mi:objectid_convert # Convert string objectids in mongo database to ObjectID type
rake mi:cleanup_old_collections # Clean up old collections backed up by objectid_convert
Like in Rails we can populate our db using db/seeds.rb
here's an example (from
our [padrino-admin](/guides/padrino-admin/ "padrino-admin)):
email = shell.ask "Which email do you want use for loggin into admin?"
password = shell.ask "Tell me the password to use:"
shell.say ""
account = Account.create(:email => email, :password => password,
:password_confirmation => password, :role => "admin")
if account.valid?
shell.say "Perfect! Your account was created."
shell.say ""
shell.say "Now you can start your server with padrino start and then login into /admin with:"
shell.say " email: #{email}"
shell.say " password: #{password}"
shell.say ""
shell.say "That's all!"
shell.say "Sorry but some thing went worng!"
shell.say ""
account.errors.full_messages.each { |m| shell.say " - #{m}" }
last updated: 2022-02-22
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