
Getting Started


In order to use Padrino, you need a few prerequisite libraries.

Ruby & RubyGems

First, you need to have a ruby interpreter installed. You can verify if you have the interpreter installed by typing which ruby into the terminal and ensuring a result. If not, we recommend installing RVM on most platforms which manages your ruby interpreter installation and configuration. Once RVM is installed, be sure to install Ruby 2.3.0 (recommended) or any other ruby such as 2.0.0, Rubinius, or JRuby according to your needs.

Once you have ruby, you need to make sure you have RubyGems which is the standard Ruby package management method. You can ensure you have ruby gems by typing gem -v in the terminal and ensuring a version result. If not, then be sure to download and install before continuing.


A caveat: If you are on Windows, we recommend the RubyInstaller project which takes care of the above steps for you.


Once you have ruby and rubygems installed properly, you just need to install the Padrino framework with the padrino gem:

$ gem install padrino

This will install all the necessary padrino dependencies to get you started creating applications. Now you are ready to use this gem to enhance your Sinatra projects or to create new Padrino applications. If you are new to Ruby or Sinatra, be sure to check out the Why Learn Padrino? guide for more information.

last updated: 2022-02-22

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