Custom Conditions
Padrino has support for Sinatra's custom route conditions as well. This allows you to apply custom condition checks to evaluate before a route is executed for an incoming request:
Demo::App.controllers :projects do
def protect(*args)
condition {
unless username == "foo" && password == "bar"
halt 403, "Not Authorized"
get "/", :protect => true do
"Only foo can see this"
Conditions can also be specified at the controller and route levels:
# You can specify conditions to run for all routes:
Demo::App.controllers :projects, :conditions => {:protect => true} do
def self.protect(protected)
condition do
halt 403, "No secrets for you!" unless params[:key] == "s3cr3t"
end if protected
# This route will only return "secret stuff" if the user goes to
# `/private?key=s3cr3t`.
get("/private") { "secret stuff" }
# And this one, too!
get("/also-private") { "secret stuff" }
# But you can override the conditions for each route as needed.
# This route will be publicly accessible without providing the
# secret key.
get :index, :protect => false do
This gives the developer considerable power to construct arbitrarily complex route conditions and apply them to any route within their application.
last updated: 2022-02-22
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